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If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to spend more time reading your Bible, we highly recommend playing ‘Without Words: Synesthesia’ by Bethel Music while you read. This record is the perfect modern instrumental companion to your quiet time.

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One app and website we use a lot here at CBN is TeamWeek. It is a fantastic tool to help you organise your week and easily drag and drop tasks onto di erent people’s workload. It is free, simple to use and will make your life so much easier!


Noel Robinson is an international worship leader, music pastor, songwriter and producer who is bringing people from di erent cultures and backgrounds together to worship God. He talked with REACH about his new album and the importance of worship in his life.

As a worship leader you travel a lot to play at di erent conferences. For you personally, what does worship look like in your day to day life?
Well, this may be a cliché, but worship is everything I do. Worship is a vehicle to get to the presence of God. Living in the presence of God means that you’re constantly worshipping. In everyday things, even mundane things, there is always a sense of God being with you. For me, that would be worship.

For you, is worship always related to music?
No, it isn’t. One of the things I teach is that worship is a heart function and a presence function. Music is just an expression to actually interpret the presence. We write songs about the presence and we write songs out of the presence. For me, part of my reality is that I am gifted musically, so I use my gifting to interpret what I see and what I sense in my spirit. So that is the part that music plays. Outside of that God is real in everyday things. A true worshipper is a heart function, you’re feeling God when you are washing the dishes, or trimming the hedge, or having a conversation, or even when you’re upset about something, there is a sense that God is around you, he is there, he is present – ever present.

You teach about worship and founded the Kingdom Worship Movement. Can you tell us a little bit more about what it is?
Kingdom Worship Movement is a gathering; a movement of people that came together because of worship. I realised that oftentimes, churches and denominations are separated on theological points, but there are things we all agree on. We agree on who Jesus and God are and we agree on the expression of music that brings us together. We sing the same songs, we’re using the same themes, and the same ability to describe the same God. I thought to myself, what if we came together?

So I just went on this journey of forming relationships with the Spanish speaking community, the Portuguese, the Russian, the Bulgarian, the Polish, the African, the Caribbean communities. I invited worship leaders from different places, like Matt Redman and Tim Hughes. We came together and God began to do something, build relationship, and it’s actually through this place that revival comes.

Tell us about your new album ‘Outrageous Love’
The whole story of ‘Outrageous Love’ is that God’s love is so powerful, that it pushes through whatever barriers you may find. God’s love will fi nd that girl, or that woman in that crack den, will fi nd that woman on the streets. God’s love will fi nd that lonely man in that mansion house, He’ll fi nd the destitute but He’ll also fi nd the rich. His Love pushes past the hurts and the pains that people live through, and that’s why we called it ‘outrageous.’