How Does Vision Come To Life?

By Jonathan Phillips

‘Vision’ is one of those subjects that can be easy to discuss at great length. We know that we’re supposed to live our lives with vision, and to have some sort of a clear understanding of what kind of person we are and what we want to do with our time here on earth. Given that, why do we struggle so badly to have a clear vision, or even one at all? Why is it that the approach to having a vision for something, and putting it into action, is so simple, yet seemingly so hard to attain? Do our circumstances dominate over our ability to live out vision? Is seeing vision come to life something that must happen despite our circumstances? I think the best way we can find the answers we truly need to such profound questions is to approach this from two angles:

1. God’s Word.

See what God’s word has to say about vision, and come to a conclusion on what God’s will is for us.

2. Follow great examples.

Look at some examples out there of people that have had vision for something great and have seen it come to pass, then study their life like a recipe of how to have vision and, most importantly, how we can see it come to life.

Ultimately, deep down, this is what we truly desire isn’t it? To be used by God for His glory, to be a representative for Christ every single day, no matter where we go, or who we meet along the way.

So, what does scripture have to say about having vision?
Well, Proverbs 29:18 outlines quite clearly: “Where there is no vision, the people cast off restraint, but happy is he who keeps the law.” Now, to cast off restraint quite literally means to be ungovernable, or to be someone who cannot be reined in.

So what is the Bible talking about when it says ‘vision’ here in this verse?

Well, the New King James Translation replaces the word ‘vision’ with the word ‘revelation’, so the verse now reads: “Where there is no revelation the people cast off restraint.” Now we see the meaning of this verse starting to take shape, so let’s go really deep into this for a second and see how this changes the way we view what vision truly is.

“Vision,” or prophecy in its widest sense, is the revelation of God’s will, which directs the course of events. The prophets were the instructors of the people in divine things, standing witnesses of the truth and power of religion, who taught a higher morality than that of mere humans. The fatal effect of the absence of such revelation of God’s will is stated to be confusion, disorder, and rebellion; the people, uncontrolled, fall into sin, which nothing but high principles can restrain. They quite literally perish.


When we talk about having vision for our lives, what we are actually talking about is having an understanding of the people God has called us to be, and that our lives are to be a reflection of Christ. As we read God’s word, we will have revelation upon revelation. The key then is not only to have the God-inspired revelation, but to put it into action, so that God may be glorified through our lives. That’s why Psalm 119:105 says “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” His word shows us the way forward.

Christine Caine is an amazing example of living out this meaning of vision. Christine could see that not enough was being done to combat and prevent sex trafficking worldwide and, knowing that sex trafficking was not God’s will for women and that God loved them, she decided to start the A21 campaign in 2008. Today, the A21 campaign has offices in 9 countries and is making a huge difference to ending sex trafficking worldwide. This is not only to save girls from slavery, but also to raise awareness, and funding for anti-trafficking groups.

Christine had a revelation of what God’s will was for women caught up in sex trafficking, and that revelation directed the course of events that came after, namely her decision to start the A21 campaign. Her vision, ignited and inspired by the Word of God, came to pass because it was the will of God.

So you want to see vision come to life? Know that it isn’t Your vision, but His that we must seek. When we know what God’s will truly is in every situation, we begin to see people in desperate need all around us every day.

Prince of Peace

Everlasting Father

 in Blogs, God, Lifestyle, Purpose