I have come to the realisation that the hungrier I am, the better my food tastes. If I am at the point of ultimate hunger, the food that satisfies that hunger tastes all the better! Don’t ask me how, it just does. For example, after a day of fasting, you feel that little bit more excited by food come fast­breaking time.
I think that there is a definite link between physical food and spiritual food, which the Bible says is the Word of God. Even Jesus was tempted with this whilst he was fasting for 40 days in the desert. Satan told him to instruct the stones to become bread if he was the Son of God, but Jesus replied with this: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’ Matthew 4 v 4 NIV
How hungry are you for God? Do you desperately seek Him and His will for your life or are you apathetic when it comes to crying out for more? I truly believe that the deeper our hunger for God, the more we are filled. There is space for grace, absolutely, but there is something about hungering for God that is met with God’s living water.
I remember an occasion recently when I was so desperate to hear from God, just to know that He was with me and for me. I remember spending the whole afternoon in prayer and worship, hoping for one word from His mouth. That night I was at a Church event and, at the end; the host pulled me out of the crowd. He said that he had a word for me from God and as he delivered it, it spoke straight into my situation at the time. I believe that God saw me from Heaven, hungering for Him all day, taking time out to seek Him, and had mercy on me, deciding to meet my hunger with satisfaction.
A word from God can keep you going for months, sometimes years. Never stop hungering for God friends, if we show up, He will too.
6-Day Devotional Sign Up: Living in God’s Blessing
4-Day Devotional Sign Up: How to Forgive
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Mother’s Day Devotional Sign Up
Valentine’s Day 2021 Devotional – Day 3
Valentine’s Day 2021 Devotional – Day 2