Achia’s Story

Achia was too sick to take care of her own children. Even standing up was painful. That’s when CBN stepped in and gave Achia the help she needed. Donate now and help to transform lives all over the UK and Europe.

Every morning, Achia walked under a huge fig tree, just outside her house, on her way to fetch water. 

Achia said, “After my husband died, I was left to care for my boys by myself. They are still too young to carry water or help me with any chores, so each day is a struggle.  I do everything alone.” 

CBN Reporter, Dan Reany, said, “When I met Achia, she told me about how hard she works taking care of her family.  From chopping and carrying wood, to harvesting grass to make thatch roofs or sell in the market, she works tirelessly day in and day out.  But she still made time to start a garden to help feed her children.” 

“I bought seeds, believing that the rain would come,” said Achia.  “I love gardening, but the sun burned my crops.” 

In times of drought, shallow wells like these dry up or get contaminated by livestock.  Many people get sick with diseases like typhoid and cholera from contaminated water. Achia was one of them. 

Achia said, “The pain starts in my spine, then moves from my neck to my head.  Sometimes I have to lie down for days waiting for the pain to go away. But when I see my children hungry and thirsty, I force myself to get up.” 

But on one occasion, Achia couldn’t get up.   

Achia explained, “I needed to cook for the children, but I was too weak to fetch water so far away.  We all went to bed hungry and thirsty.” 

“God sent you to answer our prayers. You rescued us.”

Then Innovation Africa, an Israeli ministry supported by CBN, arrived with trucks and started drilling.  Soon, they hit crystal clear water, and a tap was installed right outside Achia’s house. 

“I couldn’t believe the tap was right there,” Achia excitedly said.  “I feel like jumping up and praising God!  I’ll never have to walk long distances for water again.” 

The well is too deep to pump water by hand, so solar panels were installed to run an electrical pump.  The well is so deep, it should never run dry, even in the worst drought, and it should never get contaminated.   

Achia said, “I no longer worry that we’ll get sick from drinking bad water.  Those diseases cannot attack us anymore.  My boys can finally enjoy safe, clean water right by our house.  We can be clean, and even wash!” 

Achia immediately started feeling much better, and with the water so close by, her garden blossomed. 

“I forgot about the loss of my burned crops and tried again,” said Achia.  “With water this close, we can do anything.  We no longer have to buy vegetables.  We grow them ourselves! God sent you to answer our prayers.  You rescued us. Thank you CBN.  May God bless you all.” 


Your gift could go towards helping people like Achia all over the UK and Europe, providing vital care, when and where it is needed most.


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