Help Heal Morocco

On September 8th, 2023, a devastating 6.8-magnitude earthquake rocked the region near the city of Marrakech. Thousands of lives were tragically lost, and hundreds more were left injured, homeless, and in dire need of assistance.

In the face of this catastrophic event, Operation Blessing has swiftly responded to provide urgently-needed aid to the affected communities.

Give to Morocco Relief

We believe in standing together, showing compassion, and extending the love of God to those who need it most.

Please stand with us in prayer and if you feel called to give now.

Our Impact

Providing Critical Aid

Our international disaster relief team, Operation Blessing are on the ground right now distributing urgently-needed supplies including solar-powered lights and water filtration equipment. Helping to meet with local officials to plan the best response over the coming days and weeks.

Restoring Hope

Earthquakes strike without warning, leaving individuals and families in a state of shock and vulnerability. However, when these crises unfold, Operation Blessing is there to offer immediate relief and support for long-term recovery.

Rebuilding Communities

The people of Morocco face now immense challenges brought on by this earthquake. Your prayers and generosity will provide hope, healing, and help rebuild the shattered lives of those who have lost so much.