Faith In The Feels

By Fin Sheridan

“And so we decided that we’d send you all off on a holiday, completely paid for, so you can get some well needed rest!” exclaims the presenter as the family of 5, with 2 disabled children, all burst into tears. As do I.

“This is George. George is a golden retriever puppy but he was abandoned on Boxing Day…” says the solemn voiceover as black and white shots of George sat in the rain flow across the TV screen. I quietly sob into my hands.

*A little boy hugs his dad as “Father and Son” plays in the background. It is an advert for bread.* Weeping, I try to change the channel but cannot see the remote through my tears.

How emotional do you get? One of the unique elements about each individual is our emotions; our capacity to feel them and our willingness to express them. You might be someone who cries all the time – adverts, shows or moments like the ones above are enough to move you to a sobbing mess. You might be someone who rarely shows emotion – weddings, funerals and when you hit your finger with a hammer.

“Faith doesn’t contradict emotions; it’s meant to compliment them.”

Emotions are very fickle; friends one moment and foes the next. Our capacity to feel is one of God’s greatest gifts but can also hijack our lives in very damaging ways. Emotions are like fires: great in the right setting, destructive in others. You want a fire in the woodburner, you don’t want it on your duvet.

Faith doesn’t contradict emotions; it’s meant to compliment them. Our emotions and feelings should be expressed in our faith and our faith should steer our emotions. Jesus is our blueprint for perfect human living and he experienced a whole range of emotions. He wept. He laughed. He sighed. He shouted. He expressed himself.

With our tendency towards extremes, we sometimes think that we should exchange an emotional spirituality for a formal piety but that couldn’t be further from the truth. God wants to live with us, in our emotions, as they are steadied by the presence of his Spirit.

Prince of Peace

Everlasting Father

 in Blogs, God, Our Picks, Purpose
Showing 2 comments
  • Eunika Skrzypkowska

    Good stuff! It’s so so true!

    • Fin Sheridan

      Thanks Eunika!