Harry’s Story: The Father’s Love

By Fin Sheridan

Harry’s background wasn’t easy. After a difficult start, he was adopted at a young age. Things seemed to be going well but when his adopted parents divorced, he felt the weight of that. He felt like he was in a broken family again.

Whilst he seemed okay on the outside, internally he was hurting. In his own words, he felt like “every family he’d had, had been ripped apart”. This pain took him on a journey, a journey of looking for many different ways to heal his brokenness.

You can watch what happened in the story above but ultimately, Harry found that true healing can only happen through Jesus.

“It’s almost like I’ve been adopted all over again, into Christ’s family.”

Physical healing is incredible but emotional and spiritual healing is not to be discounted either. There’s a famous quote that often gets attributed to CS Lewis: “You do not have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body.” Our internal life; our minds, spirits, souls and hearts are far more significant than the outside. It’s the heart, Proverbs tells us, that guides our life. When our hearts are broken, our choices become destructive.

Harry’s story is unique to him but the pain he felt is universal. Through sin (a Bible word for brokenness), we all have pain internally, circumstances that have damaged us and an ache that needs healing. Even the best families and parents have their issues. Through the Gospel, we can find a perfect Father who offers us a fresh start through the perfect Son.

To read more about Adoption and the Gospel, you can read this post here.

If you would like us to pray with you then you can comment below. Alternatively, we have a prayer centre ready to take your calls. We’re open, 8am-8pm, Monday-Friday and until 12pm on Saturdays. Why not call us on 0300 561 0700?

To share Harry’s story on Facebook, you can click here.

Prince of Peace

Everlasting Father

 in Blogs, Family, Purpose