Switch Off And Connect

By A. McGrane

In the age of smart phones it is not unusual for people to check their news, email or social media as soon as they wake up. Similarly, the last thing they do before they go to sleep at night is scroll through their messages and social media feed. In small breaks between meetings at work, or waiting in line at the grocery store, people are engrossed in their phones. There has never been a time in history where we have had so much instant access to information, nor a time when we have been filling our minds with so much information on a frequent basis.

Being constantly ‘connected’ means that it can be hard to switch off from work or to escape numerous demands on our time. Our excessive media consumption means we are exposed to hundreds, maybe even thousands, of adverts per day. Constantly filling our minds with information can be overwhelming, confusing and stressful.

What we feed our minds will influence our thinking, attitudes, emotions and behaviour – and this in turn impacts on our relationships, our jobs and every other area our life.

God tells us that we have a responsibility to steward our minds.

“Do not be conformed to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” – Romans 12:2

However, it’s hard – if not impossible – to not be influenced and conformed to the world around us when we are constantly filling our minds with its messages. We have little space to hear God’s voice and direction in our lives.

The verse continues: “…Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – His good, pleasing and perfect will.” – Romans 12:2

In order for us to know God’s will and to see things from His perspective we must intentionally renew our minds with His truth. Many people talk of how God spoke to them powerfully at an event or conference, and I believe this may be simply because they took time out and gave God the space to speak in a life that is constantly crowded by other voices and distractions.

We must prioritise connecting with God over everything and everyone else. In a world of information overload and distractions we have to be intentional about what and how much information we allow into our lives, and take steps to limit anything that will distract, confuse or discourage us.  What can you do today to turn down the noise of the world and connect with God on a deeper level?

Prince of Peace

Everlasting Father

 in Blogs, God